Our Latest Blogs

Lymphedema Awareness Month

While lymphedema is a life-long journey, we take special time this month to recognize the impact that lymphedema can have on one’s life. Lymphedema is a condition in which the lymphatic [...]

Managing the Cost of Cancer Care

Johns Hopkins Medicine reports that cancer care costs are rising at two to three times the rate of other medical costs.  The price tag for promising new therapies can exceed tens of thousands per [...]

What is Survivorship?

For years, we have talked about “living with and beyond cancer.” That’s what survivorship is about: finding a new path forward after a diagnosis—during treatment if it’s right for you, and [...]

Ease Through Aroma

When you hear the word “aromatherapy”, what comes to mind? For some folks, it might be scented candles or smokey, incense-filled shops. For others, it may be a visit to their massage therapist or [...]

Tools for Resilience

Wendy Harpham, M.D. is a 25-year survivor of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and a fierce advocate and mentor for helping patients become healthy survivors. She is a writer, and a national keynote [...]

Moved to Tears by Taxes

There’s no going back to what your life was before a cancer diagnosis. I know this. Yet I struggle at times to find my place in this “new normal.” My young daughter was diagnosed a year ago [...]

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