Friday, May 31, 2024
5 – 8:30 p.m.
Three Springs Pavilion
151 Heritage Lane
Durango, CO 81301
For cancer patients, survivors, thrivers, care partners, and health care providers.
Reserve your spot now
This is a casual event. Please bring a camp or lawn chair, a refillable water bottle, sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses.
A picnic meal will be served.
On-street parking is available around Three Springs as well as CommonSpirit Mercy Hospital’s parking lot. Please be mindful when parking by saving close parking spots for those who need them.
For more information: Call Toni Abbey 970-403-3711 or email at hope@cancersupportswco.org
or e-mail Dinѐ “Ollie” Campbell at olliecampbell@centura.org
- Welcome, Brandon Mencini, CEO – CommonSpirit Health
- Opening Prayer, Josh Magyar, Chaplain – CommonSpirit Health
- Healing Blessing, Matthew Box – Bear Dance Chief of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe
- Shannon La Cava, PsyD – Cancer Survivorship: Creating Your Roadmap of Resilience
- Katya Lezin, JD – From Surviving to Thriving: Finding the Positives in Your Cancer Journey
- Music by the “Snowy Plovers” – Erik Nordstrom & Shanti Savage; Food, Social Connection, Sponsor’s Tables, and our Wishing Tree of Hope and Healing
- Loving Kindness Meditation, and Closing Ceremony

Cancer Survivorship: Creating Your Roadmap of Resilience
Shannon La Cava, PsyD
Join Shannon as she explores the essence of determining your personal definition of survivorship, while unearthing the invaluable keys to finding profound meaning in your experience, replenishing your spirit, and refueling your resilience tank, while continuing your journey with unwavering strength and purpose.
Shannon is a clinical psychologist, and her work is fueled by advocating for the social and emotional needs of patients, caregivers, children, and adolescents. She was the Chief Clinical Officer and Program Director of Cancer Support Community Los Angeles, California, and currently serves as the Director of the Simms/Mann UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology.

From Surviving to Thriving: Finding the Positives in Your Cancer Journey
Katya Lezin, JD
Katya will talk about how she was able to make lemonade out of her cancer lemons, including seeing her BRCA-1 genetic mutation as a gift rather than a curse.
Katya Lezin is a two-time ovarian cancer survivor and Patient Advocate for Myriad Genetics. She speaks at medical conferences, survivor events, and with medical professionals about the patient perspective and the importance of hereditary cancer testing. Katya speaks about the lessons that can be learned in finding the positives and in choosing to laugh rather than cry, lessons that apply far beyond a cancer diagnosis.